Our Journey

We have always had a passion to help ourselves and other people enjoy life and live connected to the Power within. We work with energy and passion to help bring about change for our clients.

We both, independently, enjoyed the excitement and freedom of spending a few years travelling and working around the world. When we met and settled in our home county Cork, we commenced our holistic health journey by training as Ki Massage therapists in September 1990 with the IHCA (Irish health culture association). This was a time when not many people understood the benefits of holistic treatment and the power of the Life force within.

We noticed the benefits of our treatments to our clients and we wanted to expand our knowledge and abilities in order to improve our own lives and the lives of our families and clients. Over the following years, we gained qualifications and training in Holistic Nutrition, Psychotherapy/relaxation, Stress management, Mindfulness and became Yoga instructors.

Gus pursued lengthy training in Ortho-bionomy and Craniosacral therapy which is what he uses very successfully in most of his treatments now. Brenda added the very popular and effective Reflexology qualification to her repertoire. “Continue to learn” is our motto.

Combining family life, 3 children, a dog and a cat with full-time work and holistic therapies in the late 90s kept us busy. So, in 2001 Gus retired from the construction industry. Brenda followed in 2005, leaving her career in the Food and Pharmaceutical world.

Sea swimming, cycling, walking in nature and outdoor life are some of our passions. We enjoy travelling in Ireland and abroad, in our campervan and will always chat and have a laugh with the interesting people we meet.

Check out our Instagram @wellness_gusandbrenda

The EDUCO Model

We both have extensive training in the Educo - Personal, Business and global model. A model that is now being called the education and success system of the future. Since completing the Educo Seminars our understanding of the human mind, of formative learnings and of the Power within, has empowered them dramatically in their ability to help other people.

“The information and Educo System that Tony Quinn has is absolutely fantastic. He has a big goal to help change the world into a joyous, peaceful place for all, where we are the perfect human being living from our true nature. We are very excited to be part of this new movement and want to share this most up-to-date and life-changing information with everyone. This Educo system – understanding how our mind works – needs to be taught to everyone, especially to children, both by their parents and in schools. It is the way of living life to the full. The most exciting part of this system is to pass it on, to help others achieve their best in life.”

“Our approach to living is solution-focused, rather than problem-focused. This is a very rewarding and exciting way of helping people. The benefits to our clients have a ripple effect on their families, friends and business colleagues. We are very lucky that our work involves helping people improve their lives. We both love the work we do and are really enjoying living “ – Gus McCarthy and Brenda Ratcliffe