Wellbeing Classes & Workshops

We offer weekly classes and regular Saturday morning workshops at our Holistic centre in Ballinora, Cork, designed to help you let go of stress, calm your mind, rejuvenate your body, and truly enjoy living!

Our Philosophy

We are passionate about empowering individuals to understand their thoughts, let go of stuck patterns, and experience the incredible power within themselves. Our classes and workshops are crafted to provide practical tools and techniques that foster lasting change and a deeper sense of inner peace.

What to Expect

  • Gentle Loosening Stretches: Improve flexibility and relieve tension with gentle stretches designed to loosen the body.

  • Deep Yoga Breathing & Mindfulness: Practice deep breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques to calm the mind and enhance focus.

  • Positive Living Advice: Gain insights into living a positive and balanced life, including food and nutrition advice and the importance of positive affirmations.

  • Memory Management: Learn techniques to manage and enhance your memory, and understand the power of your thoughts.

  • Energizing Movements: Engage in movements that boost energy levels and invigorate the body.

  • Various Relaxation Techniques: Discover effective methods to relax, reduce stress and anxiety management.

  • Memory Recall Techniques: Improve your memory recall with practical exercises.

  • Techniques for Dealing with Anxiety and Stress: Master strategies to manage anxiety and stress effectively.

  • Goal Focus: Learn how to set and focus on your goals and desired outcomes.

  • Presence Techniques: Explore how to be in the moment and practice techniques for programming the mind for success.

Class & Workshop Details

Weekly Classes: Our weekly classes are designed to provide consistent support and encouragement, helping you integrate wellness practices into your daily routine.

Saturday Morning Workshops: Join us for our regular Saturday morning workshops, where you can dive deeper into specific topics and techniques in a supportive and engaging environment.


  • Feel More Relaxed and Confident: Achieve a state of relaxation and boost your self-confidence.

  • Increased Focus, Concentration, and Attention Span: Enhance your mental clarity and ability to concentrate.

  • Ability to Deal with Challenges and Stress More Effectively: Build resilience and improve your stress management skills.

  • Vibrant Health, Positivity, and Lots of Energy: Experience increased energy and a positive outlook on life.

  • Ability to Focus on the Goals and Outcomes You Want: Strengthen your ability to set and achieve personal and professional goals.

  • Increased Productivity and Creativeness: Boost your productivity and creativity through improved mental and physical wellbeing.

  • Improved Relationships: Foster better relationships with enhanced emotional intelligence and communication skills.

  • Better Sleep: Enjoy improved sleep quality and wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

  • Anxiety and stress management: Techniques to navigate daily challenges with ease, resulting in better mental clarity and a more balanced, peaceful state of mind.

Workshop Date: TBA

In our Log Cabin, Ballinora, Waterfall, Cork

To inquire about the next workshop contact below

  • “This class has given me back my joy of life and love of my family and opened my mind to the endless possibilities my life holds for me. Coming from a place of deep grief I have changed my thought process and begun living again. I have started walking again, sleeping in my bed and appreciating my food. Thank you Brenda I look forward to doing another course.”

    Ber, Mayfield

  • “The last 4 weeks has changed me so much. I’m a new person and much happier in myself. Enjoying my time and not worried about what will happen. Enjoying life more.”

    Joe, Cork

  • “Thank you very much Gus for your teaching. I’ve introduced your exercises into my daily routine and my energy level really improved.”

    Caroline, Cork

  • “Today’s on-line workshop was amazing, Gus and Brenda, I really benefited a lot from it. I feel so connected and energised after it, I’m looking forward to the next.”

    Rebecca, Kildare